Thursday 12 December 2019

wings man photo manipulation

Introduce my self:
Hello guys my name is narendra gohel. I am photo editor. I am 30 year old. I try to copy all type of photo editing. If you have see any photo you like just share me in gmail id: i try to copy that type of photo editing and share with you that video so you can also try that

So in this post we learn how to create wings man photo manipulation. You can also see video about this topic on YouTube. Just search narendra gohel or wings man photo manipulation

What do you need: or mobile phone to capture you photo
2.pc or laptop to run Photoshop 2019 software
3.stock image like model photo,different types of wings,tail and glowing rings.all the stocks photo download link is bottom of this post

How to download stocks:
You can find download stocks link bottom of this post. Just click on download button you direct go to google drive page click on three daught and click download and download is starting

Steps to creat wings man:
1. Open model photo in photoshop 2019 just drage and drop
2.add ring png in photoshop and adject size and position 

3.add another png file wings. Adject size and position

4.right click on wings layer and select rasterize layer on keyboard control+j to copy layer and control+t to adject photo position and size on keyboard control+e to merge two layer

7.double click on layer  to open layer style dialog box and used underline layer to remove wings over the model layer

8. Press on keyboard control+shift+alt+e to merge all layer in one layer

9.go to filter and select camera raw filter

10.used slide to get you effect or you can copy my effect to. I am give you a screenshot

11. filter screen shot

all stock and png download link is bellow 

thumbnail photo download link

editing photo download link

model photo download link

wings download link

so i hope you guys like my post. you can follow me on this


whats up

+91 7600094367 

youtube channle


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